Benefits of Testosterone Deficiency Treatments: Why You Should Go for It

Monday, February 1, 2010

The state of declining testosterone levels in men is commonly known as testosterone deficiency. It is characterised by a number of symptoms like decline in mood, energy and sex-drive. Testosterone deficiency is also known by other names like male menopause, grumpy old men syndrome or andropause. It is a common phenomenon in aging men.

Research has revealed that these symptoms manifest in most men when they are in their 40s. However for each individual male, as the testosterone levels are different and therefore the manifestations can occur at different times. As a result different males display different symptoms and therefore their responses to the Testosterone Deficiency Treatments also vary. Nonetheless it has been noticed that if you go for testosterone therapy, you manage to cope better with your testosterone deficiency related problems. For instance when the impact of testosterone therapy was tested on men with low sexual drive, it was noticed that there was a marked change in sexual function. However if the patient was already suffering from vascular or neurological problems, the testosterone deficiency treatment was unable to help.
Low levels of testosterone manifests as various kinds of problems in aging men. For instance it decreases the muscle mass in the body resulting in an increase in body fat. The level of metabolism also decreases which can lead to hypertension as well as heart related problems. However with this therapy, there is reduction in body fat and improvement in the lean body mass. As a result, the chance of cardiovascular disease reduces considerably.
Low Testosterone increases the chances of osteoporosis due to a decrease in bone mineral density. Once the Testosterone therapy starts, you will notice a considerable change in the level of bone mineral density and at the same time your energy level will also increase due to increase in lean body mass. As a result you can indulge in increased physical activities during the therapy. Moreover the cognitive ability can also be increased with testosterone therapy. An increase in the level of this hormone will actually give you an improved memory.
In fact an increase in hormone level has a direct impact on the health of men. This means that there will be an improvement of strength and mass in body muscles. With age, one can notice slack and low energy. The testosterone deficiency treatment will help you to fight the symptoms. But how do you identify the symptoms? Some of the common symptoms include depression or moodiness, loss of bone density, reduction of muscle strength and mass. You can actually take a blood test to know the exact level of testosterone.
The Institute of Men’s Health (IMH)is one of the reputed organisations imparting a curative treatment for men suffering from testosterone deficiency syndrome. If you are a person suffering from this problem then IMH can provide you with the right solutions. Opt for their three week trial period to know about the benefits of the program. If you feel that you are benefited by the testosterone deficiency treatment, you can actually continue the treatment after the trial period. So get rid of your moodiness and low sexual drive —try testosterone therapy program now.

The IMH Testosterone deficiency Treatment Programs combines the latest advances in medical science to help boost testosterone levels, testosterone deficiency.


Brian said...

When I had taken the therapy treatment for Testosterone Deficiency, I started to notice a considerable change in the level of bone mineral density and at the same time my energy level also increased due to increase in lean body mass. It was really helpful.

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